Saturday we headed out to Benton's Stearman Field for their annual fly-in. Every year it's getting bigger! We went first thing in the morning and met Tim's family for some pancakes and coffee. They surprised me with the most obnoxious birthday glasses and headband, but I was able to embarrass them back by wearing it all when we went into the restaurant. Then, of course, the kids had to try it all on. I was actually wanting to keep it on all in hopes that some pilot would volunteer to take me for a birthday ride! Tucker was all smiles as usual. I wonder if part of that grin was because his Aunt Kelly looked like an idiot?
The hearts say "Birthday Princess" on them. |
Maddie rocked those glasses. Pancakes was time to see some airplanes.
All lined up and ready to take off. This group would later fly formations. I'm not a huge aviation person like my husband, but you can't help but get the chills when they're all started up and ready to taxi.
When Tim is around planes, especially vintage aircraft, he no longer knows I even exist. I am just a series of clicks and squeaks on his radar.
Boys and the toys....
And the little lady got into it, too. "Daddy, show me."
Me and my ridiculous accessories in front of the "Super Ryan" if we aren't ALL super.... |
He wants a different airplane than this, but it was my dream so we took a picture in front of this one.
Again, I'm not as in to aviation as Tim, but they do make for some fun photography.
Waiting for the fireworks and very tired.
Shortly before we realized there weren't going to BE any fireworks this year and the kids erupted into a gigantic meltdown. Then it was exit strategy #1....throw crap in stroller and run as fast as you can to the car. Do not make eye contact with on-lookers. Pretend like everything is fine. Pretend like your children are at "permanent hearing damage" level. Run woman, run.
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