I did it!! I flew my first solo Halloween! Okay so I wasn't exactly solo, I did have four other adults helping me with the kids, but the point is that...I DID IT! We really had a great day. I didn't get all my things done that I wanted to, but if I would've pushed it, I'm pretty sure it would have gone downhill. So I thought I'd start the day off with nice soaky baths and showers for the kids. Lovely thought that ended with Payton screaming naked through the house that he was cold...if he would've towelled himself off?...well what do I know. So after I got him dried off, returned to the bathroom to see Maddie jumping in a puddle of pee with her toothbrush hanging out of her mouth. Lovely. Moving on. After all the multiple baths and re-baths, it was time for some Halloween fun.
She's a good little witch. Remember, only bad witches are ugly. We started with making owl cookies from the website http://www.ourbestbites.com/. Great site.
Ella believes in equal parts eating and making....good girl. Maddie thought this project was a buffet rather than a craft project, so when I took the candy corn piece and stuck it on the cookie, a grand hissy fit followed...wow...what was I thinking.
On that note we had naps. Next up was the pirate ship. Down the road there was house that went way over the top with a full pirate ship in their driveway complete with crocodiles, squids, and ghosts. It was really awesome. Payton loved it.
Payton ringing the bell. It really was an awesome set-up. And so perfect with Payton being a pirate.
Next up we drove to my sister's for the making of the Halloween donuts. This is a tradition that has been going on for 15 years. My mom always made homemade donuts for the trick-or-treaters and last year she handed the recipe and cauldron (wok) over to my sister to continue. Halloween isn't Halloween until the house reeks of fat. The kids made mummy-dogs (hot dogs wrapped in crescent roll strips) and Erin and I tried not to laugh at what it really looked like...heheheeee.
Finally it was time for trick-or-treating. It was nice and cool with the leaves skittering around the streets. Ella found it perfect weather for her snuggling needs. The kids made out great on their loot and ate tons of donuts. It was a great night. I did it!
Awesome! Looking forward to following your blog. You're my shero!