And the Oscar for "Best Panic Attack Over the Possibility of Leaving Bunny in the Stroller" goes to (drum roll)....ELLA MARIE RYAN!!!!! (eruption of applause) This is Ella's first year winning Best Panic Attack Over the Possibility of Leaving Bunny in the Stroller. She credits her accomplishments to her older brother who is her constant support and guide in her panicking ventures. She is joined today by her less than thrilled mother and her little sister and protege, Madelynn.
Oh the joys. The many, many joys.
You know, wouldn't it be great to act like a three year old just once....
"Kelly we're floating you to 9 tower."
Kelly: NOOOOOO...baaaaaahhahahahhaha....NOOOOOO (falling on the floor, kicking, wailing, kicking, standing and hands on hips) I'm NOT going to 9 tower, I'm NOT. I'm going away! NO...NO 9 tower! I don't like you ANYMORE!
Well, maybe if you don't mind being unemployed...
Movie theater attendant: Miss, may I have your ticket?
Kelly: No. I keep it.
Movie theater attendant: Miss you cannot go in to see the movie unless I have your ticket.
Kelly: (hands over ticket....pause....HITS attendant on the arm and runs away.) I don't like you ANYMORE!
At the 5K:
Race official: On your mark....get set...GO!
Kelly bounds off full of energy and unbridled joy. Legs flail and arms swing around erratically as she takes the lead. Suddenly she breaks away from the pack and leaves the race path to go dashing through the park...."OOOOOHHH, LEAVES!!!"
My boss: So Kelly, as I was saying, every time you have a patient come up with a PCA, it is very important that you not only put the order in for Respiratory to come and set up the CO2 monitor, but also give them a call to let them be aware that we have a new PCA patient. That way the monitor gets set up as soon as possible.
Kelly: You know what? I have a cat! Her name is Aggie. Sometimes she poops on the carpet. That's gross.
Ah hell, I think I'll give that last one a would be worth it.
bahahahaha! love it.