Hello and welcome to my blog. My web log. This is actually a very difficult step for me considering that I'm still very much a pen and paper kinda gal. I've never even advanced into the computer journals, so I feel like I'm skipping a step here. Well to start off my name is Kelly and I'm a wife of one and a mother of three. I start with that, because that's when I really felt like a started being me. Up until then I remember a lot of wandering and being lost in my head and not really realizing what was going on around me, but then I got the jaw dropping news that the little blue line on the little white stick can give you and all of a sudden things seemed much clearer. Suddenly I had purpose, direction, drive, and from the word go knew that this was where I was supposed to end up. So that's really when I started to be me through and through.
Seven years later I'm still me and now feel compelled (after some nudging by friends and family) to write and share what's so wonderful about my day to day...and sometimes not so wonderful. It'll take me some time to get this all figured out, but I hope you enjoy reading and I hope some of the ridiculous stories that I post about this chaotic family will make you laugh, because knowing that may give me just enough umph to keep at it. Thanks and enjoy.
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