So I found a great website for crafts you can do with cardboard boxes. (Yea it would be courteous to reveal that website now, but I'm tired and don't remember that info right now. Bad blogger, I know.)
Anyway, we seem to get these boxes every couple weeks so now I have a plan for it...and all you really need is a plan right?
As in the SNL skit..."Cut a hole in the box..."
If you know that song by Justin Timberlake, you understand why the rest of the song isn't appropriate for this particular craft. Funny. But inappropriate.
And then turn them loose with the paint. I love a craft that takes time. The painting kept them busy for over an hour. That's golden.
So after the box was thoroughly covered in paint, we let the project sit for a week or so and finally finished it today.
It was a perfect hunker down in the basement kind of morning and the girls played fabric while I finished the stage.
Maddie played in this one spot for an hour...stack the fabric, talk about it, move it, and stack it somewhere else.
Ella made me beyond proud when she turned Payton's ratchet into a rotary cutter. (sniff, sniff) That's beautiful stuff right there.
Finally the stage was done. An ordinary, throw-away diaper box now transformed into a top-of-the-line theater for all my kids' shenanigans.
So let the shenanigans begin.
No seriously....begin.
Yea the girls had no idea what the hell it was, so after a brief Cinderella demo, they sorta understood and started playing with it.
Why hello Rapunzel....
Okay so it's not so much a stage anymore as a window, or building, or...whatever. The point is they're playing with a dang box and they're happy. And should they destroy it in 48 hours (which is so entirely possible) then I'll have another box to work with next week.